

Mar 27 2017

New regulation for marketing of credit

The Norwegian government has adopted a new regulation for marketing of credit.

Read about the new regulation here.

It is important for all parties involved in marketing of consumer loans or credit cards that they ensure they follow the new regulation.

The policy demands that certain sales points are not exaggerated, but given the same promotion and placement as the cost of the product. The cost aspect should be well known to anyone marketing credit in Norway, and is the small text which has been abbreviated to this: eff.rente X,X %, XX.XXX, o/X år, kostnad: XX.XXX, Totalt: XXXXX

This «small text» is still required in any promotion of credit, but the new policy also states that the small text should be as large as certain sales points.

The sales points which are not to be exaggerated or given a more prominent placement than the cost is:

  • how quick the credit is paid out
  • how fast the application process is
  • how easy the application/process is
  • if the credit is easily obtainable in any way

For now, this policy means that any use of the mentioned sales points must also include the cost, in the same place, font colour etc. Examples:

Du får svar på søknaden innen X dager. Eff.rente X,X %, XX.XXX, o/X år, kostnad: XX.XXX, Totalt: XXXXX

Bonus på alle kjøp! Eff.rente X,X %, XX.XXX, o/X år, kostnad: XX.XXX, Totalt: XXXXX

Gjennomsnittlig tid til utbetaling X dager. Eff.rente X,X %, XX.XXX, o/X år, kostnad: XX.XXX, Totalt: XXXXX

Reise- og avbestillingsforsikring inkludert! Eff.rente X,X %, XX.XXX, o/X år, kostnad: XX.XXX, Totalt: XXXXX

Adjustments may be made to the above, but for now Adtraction will not work with any publisher which is not in compliance with the mentioned policy.

For questions please contact Øivind Brunsell.